24hr – Scooter Racing Team “edelschmiede Roller Racing”

On the flat lands, the last weekend of August is reserved for scooter racing.
Scooter racing, you ask, what does that actually mean? To put it simply: At least half a dozen adults share a 50ccm motor scooter, taking turns to ride said scooter in laps around a harvested grain field for 24 hours. Aiming for as many laps as possible. – Although this sounds easy, as is so often the case, its not! Our team is made up of over a dozen adult men and women and for weeks we planned, searched, chatted, worked on the bike and practiced. At the end of all that, we managed to ride for quite a while on our motocross-turned-super-scooter, managing a pretty good score for first-timers. The “edelschmiede Roller Racing” team took form somewhat spontaneously and coincidentally at a 40th birthday party. Naturally not the birthday of one of our team members, we’re all at least a decade younger… 40 year olds would never take part in such an event…
After we had made our idea a bit more concrete, we quickly completed our team and then had to hurry, in order to get a competitive racing machine ready within a matter of weeks. Luckily, the list of ‘to-dos’ was well distributed, so that everyone did what they did best, and the results can now be seen! After 341 laps and barely five hours downtime due to a few defects, we are now a close-knit team, who are excited for next year’s race. But for now, here are some photos. We also have videos, but they will follow later…


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